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SUNLITE E1 BER TEST harga 11 juta
Rp. 11.000.000,-
Jumlah Pesanan:
Negara Asal:
Amerika Serikat
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SunLite E1 ( bekas, harga 11 juta)
Full-featured 2 Mbps Transmission Test Set Fits in the Palm of Your Hand
bertest SunLite E1 is the world’ s smallest 2 Mbps telecom network tester. This versatile and highly portable test set identifies network problems quickly, reducing network downtime and associated costs. Plus, the SunLite E1 unit’ s intuitive menu makes learning fast and easy for enhanced productivity.
Available in 75 and 120-ohm models, the powerful SunLite E1 unit performs and stores a variety of vital tests. It’ s the simple, low-cost solution for 2 Mbps network testing. The SunLite E1 is ideal for field-service technicians and network/ equipment engineers. Bright LED indicators provide immediate circuit status, and internal speaker/ microphones provide talk and listen capabilities. Power options include charger or two AA rechargeable batteries.
Kondisi 90% , lengkap dengan TAS, buku manual, charger, dan battery masih tahan lama.
Berminat Hubungi 08197247884
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